September 22, 2008

Football Season

The older I get (I'm now 24), the more I enjoy football. I remember last year I spent almost every Thursday evening watching middle school football games. I caught several Varsity games on Fridays, when I was not in class. I was shocked, however, when I went to a Division 2 college game and realized I had been great football. At the college game, everyone was faster, passes were abundant and accurate, and everyone looked bigger (because they weren't 8th graders). I treasured the three hour escape from reality.

Now, as football seasons cranks up once more, I feel a fresh rejuvenation deep within. ESPN radio has shifted away from the drone of baseball and into the excitement of the pigskin. Life is good. I'm looking forward to many more football games, and I hope the badgers survive district enough to make the playoffs. Here's hoping for a great season of High School, but also a chance to watch some good college ball.

June 30, 2008


Here's a representation of my previous post from Wordle. It is basically a way to post something without any significance.

June 16, 2008

"He's Really Organized"

It is said that you can fool some of the people all of the time or all of the people some of the time. Either way, I'm not sure what I did to make someone think I am organized, but regardless of what I did, I received a compliment on Friday that I am extremely organized.

I don't know if you know me or how well you might know me. You can easily look at the dates of posts on this blog and determine that organized is not a word that fits me very well.

However, it is always good to know that we have a fresh start with people. For the most part, the lady who gave me such a compliment only interacts with me for a total of about 10-20 days each year. It is nice to know that for some people, I am a better person than I truly am. I am inspired to strive for more organization and to become better because certain people expect such out of me.

April 28, 2008

Christian Message Boards...ugh

I bought a cheap guitar earlier in the year, and have yet to enjoy it. Last week i brought it home and got to thinking about lowering the action. I typed into google "how to adjust action on a guitar" and came across a link to a Christian guitar player site. "This should be interesting," I thought to myself, so I checked it out. Let me just say that people are ridiculous. Everyone has an opinion, and it is the best. For some reason, it seems as though Christians take this to the extreme. Where is the love and compassion prescribed by Paul in Colossians?

Against the strong advice of several posters, I chose to adjust my action, and if it ruins my guitar, I'll know not to do it next time. Better to learn on a cheap guitar.

March 27, 2008


I just saw a MacGyver look alike checking myspace in Java City. It was great.

March 26, 2008

i stole this from a good blog

this is my vocation, partially tied into my raising. very enjoyable. the blog is here.

what do you think?

March 11, 2008

self-examination is tough

I went to the driving range today. This is my second adventure to Tin Cup Country Club in the past 8 days (last Tuesday, and today). Last week I had just taken a test and was en route for a horrible evening. Instead, I indulged my horrible swing, and felt much better--aside from the near window-breaking encounter with a church member's pickup.

This week I embarked north of I-20 once again. Unlike last week, however, there were other people on the range. Four high school golf team members, one coach, and the seventh grader I took with me. I am not much of a public golfer, so I was severely disappointed after paying for my bucket that everyone was still present. I timidly walked up, understanding the high school kids would easily out perform anything my terminally ill swing could muster. And I was dead on. My assumption, that is. My swing was not even close to dead on.

Last time I played, I think I remember being pretty lethal with my 9 iron, so that's what I hit for the majority of the time. It is pretty hard for an amateur like myself to remember what a good swing feels like, so I fought my slice almost the whole time. There was one good shot, however. And it was incredible. It felt good. It was mostly straight. And it was not embarassing. It was enough to keep me wanting more.

At this point, I might be tempted to make some spiritual application to my golf experience. The parallel is there, but I think I will leave the spiritualizing to you. God has given you a mind. As for me, I will continue to strive for that which only God has achieved--a good round of golf.


New beginnings bring interesting situations. Let's see where this goes. I chose to close out my old blog address (sonofhen.blogspot) and start this one. Maybe a new beginning will bring new results. Don't we hope that when we move anytime? Graduation, new job, etc. We never move and expect things to be worse, or do we? Would you move if you knew you couldn't find what you're leaving?